

Langson Energy has developed exceptionally efficient and unique power conversion systems called “Total Flow GeneratorsTM” These Total Flow Generators TM are Turbo-Expanders used for all Gases (except Oxygen & Hydrogen). Our Turbo-Expander for Gases other than Steam is called the “Gas Letdown Generator” and the Turbo-Expander for Steam is affectionately referred to as the “Steam Machine”. These Total Flow GeneratorsTM convert Pressure to Power while also creating cooling. The Storage Vessels store standby or emergency power that can be tapped when needed.


Langson Energy Generators are custom designed to optimize goals for each site depending on their unique conditions and needs. The first step in identifying a viable project is to click here to download the appropriate Project Evaluation form. After you email the completed form to us, we will let you know how much electricity our generator can make and its cost.

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We take great pride in everything that we do, control over products allows us to ensure our customers receive the best quality service.